it's a simple way to find out what you're presently, or generally, interested in. if you're asking yourself what in the world you should write about, it can be very revealing.
here it is:
1. Which three topics do you most read about?
2. Which three topics do you most think about?
3. List five of your favourite books.
is/are there (a) theme(s) running through them?
4. List five of your favourite movies.
5. What is your favourite fairy tale?
what makes it your favourite?
6. What was your favourite book as a child?
what makes it your favourite?
take a few minutes for each point. don't agonize over your choices - go with your gut. then go through them all and find the threads of what interests you and moves your imagination.
when in doubt, those are the things you should write about.
my common threads were crime, love, and history. duh!
enjoy. let me know if it worked for you.